Jan 6, 2011

EQuake Alert (Compatible Firefox 3.6)

To get EQuake Alert please click (must be connected to the Internet) : EQuake Alert

 EQuake Alert is a special extension for the Firefox browser to check that there are earthquakes in the world, including Indonesia. By installing these addons in Firefox browser we can later determine if an earthquake happens and where the location of the earthquake and its great. How could you ..?! how only the addons that can detect the occurrence of earthquakes. Really increasingly sophisticated technology and advanced rapidly.

Alert eQuake this works on the basis of information from the date, location and also its great earthquake that occurred. According to the sources that I read this alert eQuake addons work with reading rss fedd provided by (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/catalogs/eqs7day-M2.5.xml) at regular intervals which can be adjusted by the user, Basically every 5 minutes, then it works to parse rss feeds from the source to see if any new notification or not. If indeed there is new news, the earthquake-detection plugins for firefox this will tell with the information standard alias basic information.

There are more cool again!  Method of notification of these plugins exist in the form of only a statusbar message, alerts and a unique box for special earthquake-detection computer firefox ie we will be swayed in accordance with the magnitude scale of earthquakes that occurred. Cool it ..!??! Please adjust it later when it installed its own settings

Please download eQuake buddy alerts, now I'm using Firefox 3.6. and can be installed alias compatible. Good luck in detecting earthquake quickly.

To get the links please click

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